Day 5 of Advanced Mathematical and Statistics Class

It was the fifth day of advanced mathematical and statistics class. The class started off as my friend Mahnoor presented her analysis on the fatal police shootings dataset. Her goal was to identify counties where a particular racial group, despite having a smaller population percentage, experienced a higher percentage of shooting deaths. She shared her findings through several graphs, which clearly showed that in some counties, certain racial groups with lower populations had a disproportionately higher rate of shooting fatalities.

The analysis was really great and raises several questions like:

  • What factors could be contributing to these higher shooting fatalities for certain racial groups?
  • Is it linked to socio-economic conditions of these races?
  • Does this have any connection with literacy?
  • Or is it due to racial discrimination?


Day 4 of Advanced Mathematical and Statistics Class

It was the fourth day of advanced mathematical and statistical class. Professor Gary presented us a report of “Police shootings time series”, where we discussed different types of statistical methods that could be carried out in a set of data.

He gave us a brief description of methods like mean, min, max, median, skewness, kurtosis etc. He taught us with standard deviation of a set of data where we measure how spread out each data points are.

We discussed with various plotted graphs like histograms, quantile plots and list plots to understand the idea of these statistical methods.

Day 3 of Advanced Mathematical and Statistics Class

It was the third day of advanced mathematical and statistics class. As usual, we began discussing new and unique questions that was raised by students. Professor Gary presented us a statistical report on “Number of shootings by police stations” which was made by him that includes statistical representations and values. We then discussed about ANOVA( Analysis of Variance) which is a statistical test that is used for analysing means of more than two groups.

After on, me and my friend started discussing about different possibilities of statistical models and representations that could be made out from the dataset we have. Here are few representations of data that I have made for easier understanding and analysis of the dataset: